Crisis Management in Youthwork Online Course


27 November – 4 December 2020 | Online, Germany

This is an Online Course for people active in youth work who want to improve their crisis management skills, get practical information and gain new skills and knowledge that they can use during Covid-19 pandemic and in other crisis situations.

No matter how prepared and experienced youth workers are, they all, sooner or later encounter a crisis situation in their work. It can be something that happens while working on a local level with young people, in a youth center or on the street. Or, it can be while organizing international projects and while working with young people that we just met for the first time during that project. Youth workers are often not prepared for these situations and they are not sure how to deal with what is happening. However, not so many training courses are organized that address the crisis management in youth work and the wellbeing of youth workers.


1) Informing and Training 36 participants about crisis management, with the aim of raising the quality of their youth work.
2) To develop a resilience among youth workers participating on the training course, in order to improve their satisfaction in their job and prevent professional burnout
3) To Identify and address the challenges that youth workers face in their work.
4) To create space for sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences and good practices with the atmosphere of common understanding between youth workers representing different cultures, working styles and coming from 9 different countries
5) Increasing the knowledge and skills of youth workers from the 9 European countries, with emphasis on youth workers from small and medium-sized NGOs, newly established associations and informal groups of young people active in youth work

We will have workshops from 27.11.2020. (Friday) until 04.12.2020. (Friday). There will be 6 sessions and each session will take place from 10AM – 1PM CET. You can find the schedule of the training in the attachment.  Please apply only if you will be able to participate in all sessions.

We are looking forward to your applications and the course itself.

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